Privacy statement

Privacy statement

Privacy statement

Privacy statement

Privacy statement in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

The sole purpose of our website is to provide information and it is not possible to enter any data. No personal data is gathered or stored. The use of client data and the disclosure thereof to third parties is carried out exclusively in accordance with legal regulations. Personal data will only be processed after permission has been obtained from the person affected and will only be used for the purposes permitted. Personal data is only used for internal purposes.
We will keep your personal data confidential and will treat it in accordance with legal data protection regulations and this data privacy statement. 
The person responsible for the processing of data from this website is:

Angelika Kappmeyer
Pastors Gräfte 25
45721 Haltern am See
Telephone: +49 1795 917615
In the event of any violations of data protection laws, the person concerned has the right of appeal to the competent supervisory authority. 
Within the framework of the applicable legal conditions, you have the right to be informed, free of charge and at any time, about the storage of your personal data, its origin, recipient, the purpose of the data processing and, where applicable, the right to correct, block or delete this data. 

Some parts of this website use cookies. Cookies do not cause any harm to your computer and do not contain viruses. Cookies are used to make our website more user-friendly, effective and secure. Cookies are small text files, which are stored on your computer by your browser.
The website provider automatically collects and stores certain pieces of information in server log files, which your browser automatically transmits to us. These are:
Browser type and version
Operating system used
Referrer URL
Host name of the accessing computer
Time of the server request
IP address
This data is not merged with any other data sources.

Data processing is done in accordance with Article 6.1.(b) of the GDPR, which permits the processing of data in order to perform a contract or in order to take steps prior to entering into a contract.

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